Friday, July 18, 2008

【用功】準備駕照筆試 Part I -- Road Signs You Must Know

為什麼還要再考一次駕照?! 我已經考過兩次駕照了,一次是台灣的自排駕照,一次是在LA的時候考過了加州的駕照,為什麼我還要再考一次駕照?!?




1. 信用卡,
2. 超市卡,
3. 網路帳單改成我的名字

1. 我沒有社會安全卡(可能在台灣家裡的某個抽屜裡,只是可能,但我沒有印象),現在因為911,所以州政府也不能補發給我,因為我拿的是H4;

2. 我不能用我的保險卡,因為上面沒有我的名字,只有BC的名字(天啊!這是甚麼世界,不是說是"我的"保險卡嗎?!!);

3. 我BU的學生證因為沒有成績單,所以不能使用(申請成績單要錢,還要其他兩項有照片的身分證明,就是沒有才要申請成績單來證明的嘛!莫名其妙!)





NYS DMV Internet Office - New Driver Study Guide
Driver's Manual

Chapter RS

Road Signs You Must Know

Quiz Results

Score # of Questions # Completed # Correct # Wrong/No Answer
100% 16 16 16 0

The correct answer links to the related section of the Driver's Manual.

- Your selection.
- Correct answer.
- Incorrect answer.

Road Sign 4This sign means

Slow down and prepare to stop only if cars are approaching you.
Come to a full stop, then go when it is safe to do so.

Proceed carefully through the intersection, not always stopping.

Stop only for traffic on an intersecting road.

Road Sign 7This sign means

Pedestrians only.

Intersection ahead.

Hiking trails ahead.
School crossing ahead.

Road sign 5This sign is a warning that you are approaching

An intersection.

A crosswalk.
A railroad crossing.

A blasting zone.

Road sign 1This sign means

Merging traffic is approaching from the right.

Winding road ahead.
Right lane ends ahead, stay to the left.

Divided highway ahead.

Road sign 3This sign means

One-way traffic

Intersection ahead.
Merging traffic from the right.

Highway curves ahead.

Road sign 8This sign means

Divided highway ends.

One-way traffic ahead.

Two-way traffic ahead.
Keep to the right.

Road sign 6This sign means

Continue at your current speed.

You must stop ahead.

Speeding is not allowed.
There is a traffic signal ahead.

Road sign 9This sign means

Don't drink if you are going to drive.
Slippery when wet.

Road curves ahead.

You are approaching a hill.

Road sign 12This sign is used to prevent

Entrance to full parking lots.

Entrance to road construction areas.

Entrance to dead-end streets.
Wrong-way entrance on one-way streets and expressway ramps.

Road sign 10This sign means

All traffic turn left.
No left turn.

No U-turn.

Truck route to the left.

Road sign 16This sign means

Highway changes ahead to the right.

Hiking trails ahead to the right.

Hotel ahead to the right.
Hospital ahead to the right.

Road sign 13This sign means

Four-lane traffic ahead.

Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.

Intersection ahead.

Road sign 2This sign means

Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.

Look both ways as you cross the intersection.

Always come to a full stop at the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

Road sign 15This sign means

No left turn.

No stopping.
No U-turn.

Detour ahead.

Road sign 11This sign means

Divided highway ahead.

One-way traffic ahead.

Four-lane highway ahead.
Divided highway ends.

Road sign 14This sign means

Trucks under 18,000 lbs. allowed.
Hill ahead.

Truck stop ahead.

No trucks allowed.

Part I 結束,報告完畢。

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